Download jagged alliance 2 urban chaos
Download jagged alliance 2 urban chaos

Vanilla: Original unmodded version of JA 2.UDB: Ultra Description box (even more details for items).UB: Unfinished Business (official add-on for JA 2).

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  • S.T.O.M.P.: Sandro's Traits and Other Modifications Project (see Mods and projects).
  • RR: Renegade Republic (see Mods and projects).
  • Prof.Dat: The file that contains all the info about every character in JA 2.
  • Proedit: A tool that comes with 1.13 to edit the Prof.dat, this allows you to change every aspect of every character ingame.
  • Possum Dbb: A version of Dbb altered by Old Possum.
  • PCM: Playable Characters Mod (see Mods and projects).
  • OIV: Old inventory (classic JA inventory).
  • NIV: New inventory system (see Mods and projects).
  • NCTH: New Chance To Hit system (see Mods and projects).
  • MP: Machine pistol (1) Multiplayer (2).
  • MFM: Militia Factions Mod (see Mods and projects).
  • download jagged alliance 2 urban chaos

    MAM: MJOne's Ammunition Mod (see Mods and projects).LBE: Load bearing equipment (Used in conjunction with NIV).Contains very customizable game editors and many fixes/improvements. JA2 v1.13: The backbone for countless mods, a version of the game made by JA fans for JA fans.INI Editor: A tool that comes with 1.13 which can be used to alter most aspects of gameplay, from how often it rains to the amount of cash you start with.IoV: Instruments of Violence (extensive item mod) old name: Dbb/Cosplay.HAM: Headrock's assorted mods, a collection of changes that deals with suppression tactics and a whole range of other optional adjustments (see Mods and projects).HoA: Horn of Africa (see Mods and projects).

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  • FFF: Fight For Freedom (see Mods and projects).
  • EDB: Enhanced description box (created by Headrock, it offers a lot more detail on weapons and items in game, now part of the main SVN download).
  • DCA: Drassen Counter Attack (a feature turned off in Vanilla, Deidranna seeks revenge with an iron fist!).
  • AR: Assault Rifle (1) Arulco Revisited mod by JAsmine & Beka (2) (see Mods and projects).
  • AIMNAS: Smeagol's Alpha Item mod (see Mods and projects).
  • AFS: Arulco Folding Stock (see Mods and projects).
  • A.I.M.: Association of International Mercenaries.
  • There are threads explaining how to switch between the two.

    download jagged alliance 2 urban chaos

    100AP System: A new version of the "Action Point" system that replaced the old 25AP's.Q: What do all these strange acronyms and abbreviations mean? A: Their meanings are as follows:

    Download jagged alliance 2 urban chaos